Download the file (for release x.x) to the desired installation directory ($install_dir).
Expand the zip file (using `unzip' on Linux or WinZip or similar on Windows).
To launch, double-click on the "Janocchio.jar" icon (Windows), or at the command line type "java -jar $install_dir/janocchio-x.x/Janocchio.jar"
Web server administrators wishing to install the applet should follow these instructions. Applet users do not need to follow any installation process on their PC's, they only need to navigate to the correct web page.
Download and expand the file as above.
It is necessary to sign all the jar files used by Janocchio, so that the applet can access files on the user's computer (the 'client').
More information on keystores and signed jars is available here.
<APPLET code="" archive="Jmol_Signed.jar, Janocchio_Signed.jar, cdk-20050826_Signed.jar, swing-layout_1.0_Signed.jar, json_Signed.jar" width=900 height=550>\</APPLET>
Navigating to this html page will now start the Janocchio applet. The user must accept the signing certificate.
A Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Janocchio has been tested on Sun JRE 1.4.2 and 1.5.0, under both Windows XP and Red Hat Linux operating systems.
The following freely-available libraries are required as .jar files:
Jmol 11.0
CDK 20050826
Matisse GUI Builder (swing_layout_1.0)